United Site Services (Multi-Market Client)
United Site Services, a national portable sanitation company, has been a client since 2012 and I have completed 34 transactions in 10 states…and their deals aren’t easy!. One highlight is below:

The Challenge:
The first deal was a consolidation of multiple industrial facilities into one larger site with an ample yard for their outside storage requirement. Additionally, we had to overcome zoning challenges with the city due to the heavy industrial nature of their business.
Action Plan:
Over a period of 6-months and multiple false starts, I identified a large facility that was ideal; however it was for sale not lease and United only wanted to lease.

The Result:
Because United wanted this property I found a buyer who purchased the property and used a portion of the warehouse for their own sign business, leaving the remainder of the space and the entire yard for United to lease. This was a win-win for all involved and paved the way for the additional 33 deals I completed over the past handful of years.